A Brief Overview

Founded by Dorwain Bess on December 2025, V-PAC was created to address the urgent need for political accountability, economic fairness, and social justice in Guyana.

Recognizing the disparities in governance and economic opportunities, the organization was formed to empower citizens, challenge systemic injustices, and advocate for policies that benefit all Guyanese — not just a privileged few.

Our Vision

We envision a Guyana where opportunity abounds, prosperity is shared, and every citizen’s voice matters.

Guided by the acronym VIGILENT
(Vision, Industry, Independence, Labour, Equality, Natural Resources, and Transportation),
our policies are rooted in practical solutions that prioritize the well-being of the Guyanese people.

Our Mission

At V-PAC, our mission is to build a Guyana where every citizen—regardless of race, creed, religion, or social status—can thrive.

We aim to strengthen our democratic institutions, protect individual rights, and promote sustainable development for future generations.

The Meaning of VIGILENT

V-PAC’s core philosophy is captured in the acronym VIGILENT, which represents the foundational pillars of our movement:

V – Vision:

We have a vision for Guyana that recognizes, promotes, and protects the rights of each individual citizen because it is only by defending the rights of the individual that we can protect the rights of all. These individual rights include the right to free speech and the freedom to criticize the government without fear of retribution.

I – Industry:

Even as our economy benefits from the oil revenue pouring into our country, we must take notice and learn from the mistakes of other petro-dollar economies around the world. We cannot fall into the trap of centering our economy around oil revenue. Oil revenues rise and fall with the volatile price of oil, and the fortunes of petro-based economies rise and fall with it.

Instead, let us use our oil wealth to promote the growth of industry and tourism and create an economy that is insulated from the vacillations of the oil market while at the same time benefitting from the oil revenue coming in.

G – Governance:

A Government that is fair and just for all Guyanese and not working for the benefit of a select few. Our government should not pick winners and losers. Rather, our government should allow people to succeed according to their merit.

I – Independence and Infrastructure:

Let us build an economy that allows Guyanese to be financially independent of the government, as well as an economy that allows Guyana to be independent from the influence of other nations.

Guyana should never be in the position of mortgaging its natural resources for the construction of infrastructure undertaken by foreign countries.

L – Labour:

A government for all Guyanese would recognize the rights and contributions of the working man or woman and would institute laws to protect them and promote their lives.

E – Equality:

We want to build a society where all Guyanese have equal access to education, and equal access to the resources needed to succeed on their own merit and work.

N – Natural Resources:

We should never forget that our pristine wilderness is just as valuable a resource as a gold mine. A government for all Guyanese will develop plans and frameworks that will oversee the development and operations of businesses that extract minerals and gems from our soil, ensuring that pristine and vulnerable lands are protected.

“A hole in the ground does not promote tourism. But a beautiful waterfall does.”

T – Transportation:

The development of Guyana demands that Guyanese be able to easily travel, not only within our cities and towns, but also between them. This means not only roads but also public transportation.

Our Members

Our members are made up of dedicated individuals committed to advancing the V-PAC vision. Get to know the leaders and dedicated members working behind the scenes to drive meaningful change for a New Guyana

Join the Movement

Guyana is at a crossroads, and your voice is essential. Together, we can shape our nation’s future and ensure that our newfound wealth benefits all Guyanese equally.

Current Members

How You Can Help:

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Numbers is power. Power changes politics.
Join the movement. Every new member increases our ability to remake Guyana. Tell your friends, neighbors and co-workers, and watch us Grow.